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A Letter to our Clients about the
Upcoming Tax Season

Dear Valued Client,


We would like to bring your attention to a few important items for this upcoming 2023 tax season.


As a small office, we are struggling with staff shortages like many other companies.  We are down a full-time tax preparer; we ask for your patience as we go through this tax season as the turnaround may be longer than in the recent past.  Tax returns will be prepared on a first come first served basis.  In an effort to keep the interruption of phone calls to a minimum we will call you when the return is complete, therefore, please do not call us for a status update.  


To maximize the timely completion of the tax return, we would appreciate waiting to upload to Smart Vault or drop off your tax documents when you have received all of them. 


In person tax preparation will incur an additional charge as we have found it to be inefficient from our past experiences.


We strive to make our tax return process as straightforward and convenient as possible for you and us.


Information received after March 20th will most likely require an extension (We will make every effort to complete these but cannot guarantee completion if received after that date). Remember, it is an extension of filing time NOT payments or estimates.   To avoid penalties, you will need to make an extension payment if you anticipate owing.


Counter Office Hours During Tax Season:

  • Monday – Thursday – 9:00 am-4:30 pm.  Fridays are reserved for uninterrupted office hours.    Outside of these hours, special arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis. 

  • You do NOT need an appointment to drop off your tax documents at our office.  If you miss us outside of office hours, please use the slot in the front door (Waukee office only).  If you are dropping off at Winterset the receptionist will have you complete a contact information form and forward it to the appropriate staff. 


Paperless dissemination:  As in recent years we are trying to reduce the amount of paper used in our tax preparation services.


  • Organizer packages – Organizers, per request, will be sent via email as PDF attachments unless a printed copy is requested.  Please email or call the office to make that request.

  • Information gathering and submittal process – If you used our Smart Vault system in past years to deliver your tax documents electronically, the same login can be used this year. Clients new to Smart Vault can contact Jenni or Stephanie and they will invite you via email which will walk you through the steps to deliver your tax documents electronically.  You can also drop off your tax documents at our office during our open office hours above.  Outside of those hours, please utilize the slot in the door.  Please include your phone number and email.

  • Completed tax returns – Will be provided electronically via DocuSign if you have used our Smart Vault system.  If you have dropped your documents off, you will be contacted when the tax return is ready to be picked up.  We encourage you to utilize the electronic uploading and finalizing of the tax returns.  Many clients have found this a valuable tool in saving time rather than making a trip to the office.

  • Payment for tax preparation services – We require full payment prior to e-filing your tax returns.  Payments can be made online when you sign your e-file authorization papers, by credit card over the phone, in person by check/cash, Venmo (@applegate_tax), or email link to pay directly through our invoicing software.


ALL phone calls and emails will be routed to Jenni or Stephanie.  If they are unable to answer your questions, they will pass the information to the CPAs to get an answer.  This allows the tax season to run more smoothly for you and our office.


Reminders for 2023 Tax Season

Common items to remember for this tax season:  Changes to marital status; dependents that you are claiming; if you had a baby in 2023 (name, DOB, SSN); bank account changes; if you bought or sold a home and/or changed school districts; childcare provider information (name, address, SSN or FEIN); paid tuition for yourself or dependents (you can log into your university portal and download); if you are considering an IRA or Roth IRA contribution; all paid federal and state tax estimates for 2023 (amounts and dates).


Tax Return Deadlines

Farmers - March 1, 2024

S-Corporations – March 15, 2024

Partnerships – March 15, 2024

C-Corporations – April 15, 2024

Individuals – April 15, 2024


You can check the status of your refunds using the following websites.  For federal  - and for Iowa


Contact Information:


Waukee’s phone number - 515-987-9598

Winterset phone number - 515-462-4553


Jenni’s email address – – Phone extension 202

Stephanie’s email address – – Phone extension 204


Follow us on Facebook (Applegate Tax & Accounting) and Instagram (@applegatetaxandaccounting) or check out our website


We look forward to working with you this 2023 tax season!


The Staff at Applegate Tax and Accounting

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